Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gong Hei Fat Choi from the RSOS committee!

Gong Hei Fat Choi! Gong Hei Fat Choi!

Still remember this phrase that Helen taught us during the presentation she made on the topic 'Chinese New Year'?

Almost 3 weeks ago we met and enjoyed together some meaningful and memorable moments at the RSOS (Hong Kong), it's time to see the official pictures & videos. Click here to find out more: !

May I encourage you to share any comments you might have, insights you want to share? We want to know what you think about our program, content, structure, logistics, communication ...etc, so that we can improve or keep up with our work next year.

Reply to this post, or email us at!

Don't forget to keep in touch! Remember our past scholars & GSE team members emphasized how important it is to keep in touch personally & professionally with the people you met on the journey? Let's start now by:

- Joining & starting discussions our LINKEDIN GROUP, or
- Staying in touch or link this BLOG to your personal Facebook page, personal blog...etc!

Thank you again for your participation at the RSOS (Hong Kong) 2011, tomorrow will be the first day of the Chinese New Year, may we wish you every success for the future, and have a healthy & prosperous Year of the Rabbit!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy New Year from the organizing committee!

Happy 2011!

This Friday will be the first day of our Seminar, we've finished our last OC meeting and would like to take this opportunity to send our New Year's wishes to all of you. This is only part of the organizing committee, you'll see more of us on Friday at the welcoming session of the RSOS (Hong Kong)!

(From top to bottom, left to right)
PP Kenneth Chow, Past Scholar Sarah Tam, PP Grace Yen, Rtn Edwina Ho, PP Eugene Fong
Past Scholar Helen Keung, PP Joyce Mak, PP Raymond Sin

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Registration confirmation!

Thank you for those who registered for the RSOS (Hong Kong) 2011!

For those who have successfully registered, you will receive email confirmation from us shortly to confirm your arrival & departure time. Any additional accommodation/ dietary/ presentation details will also be included. If you've registered and have not heard from us after 13 Dec 2010. Please email!

We'll publish links & useful materials here for those who're interested in our seminar but cannot join us physically. We hope the materials will help your scholar journey ahead!

If you know any other scholar who would like to join this seminar, but missed the 10 Dec 2010 deadline, please contact us as soon as possible but accommodation is not guaranteed!

Monday, November 22, 2010

RSOS (Hong Kong) 2011 details & registration now live!

Dear Rotary Ambassadorial scholars & GSE teams in Asia!

Details of this year's Regional Scholar Orientation Seminar (Hong Kong) are now available on our district webpage. Find out more and register here:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Tell us what you think!

While we're working hard to prepare for a useful, meaningful & fun seminar for fellow scholars. We'd like to hear your comments.

Tell us what you want to get from the RSOS (Hong Kong) 2011, we'll take your comments into account when designing our programmes.

Please vote on the left under the topic:
"Which of the below best describe your goal(s) to attend the RSOS?"
And comment on this post if none of our options fit your expectations.

Of course, you'll have to bear in mind the purpose of the RSOS is to prepare you for the journey ahead as an ambassadorial scholar/ GSE member. With this in mind we'd love to hear from you!